Application for Development Consent

An application for development consent for the N2 Slane Bypass and Public Realm Enhancement Scheme has been submitted to An Bord Pleanála.

The relevant statutory documents for the N2 Slane Bypass and Public Realm Enhancement Scheme, which include the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), the Natura Impact Assessment (NIS) and the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) Maps and Schedules will be on public display from Wednesday 6th December 2023 to Friday 16th February 2024 inclusive.

Formal written submissions may be made at any time during the display period to An Bord Pleanála (ABP). The newspaper notices with respect to the application for approval (see link below) provide details on how to make a submission and the closing dates.

The An Bord Pleanála case reference number for this application is: HA17.318573. The application documentation is also available to view on the An Bord Pleanála website.

Volume 1 – Non-technical Summary

Volume 2 – Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Volume 3 – Scheme Drawings

Volume 4 – Technical Appendices

Vol. 4A

Vol. 4B

Appendix Ch 3 Consideration of Alternatives

Appendix Ch 5 Description of the Construction Phase

Appendix Ch 6 Consultation

Appendix Ch 9 Noise & Vibration

Appendix Ch 11 Human Health

Appendix Ch 12 Landscape & Visual

Appendix Ch 13 Archaeological & Cultural Heritage

Appendix Ch 15 Biodiversity Terrestrial

Appendix Ch 16 Biodiversity Aquatic

Appendix Ch 17 Water

Appendix Ch 19 Climate

Appendix Ch 23 MA Resource & Waste Management

Appendix Ch 25 Cumulative Effects

Vol. 4C

Planning Application / EIAR Submissions

CPO Submissions

Meath County Council – Response to Submissions